Founded by Andreas Steiner in Paris in 2019, Rier relentlessly aspires to offer flawlessly decontextualised heritage luxury, in the spirit of his native South Tyrol region. With each collection, Rier reinvents the time-proof mountain garments that cradled his childhood memories in the...

Revendeurs: ONLINE SSense FRANCE Printemps, Paris The Broken Arm, Paris United Legend, Strasbourg Jogging, Marseille Beige Habilleur, Paris GERMANY Voo Store, Berlin The Store X, Berlin ITALY Macondo, Verona Modes, Milano Monocle, Merano Venice M'Art, Venice Sugar, Arezzo The Dope Factory, Cagliari DENMARK Storm, Copenhagen SWITZERLAND Opia, Zuerich Super Mountain Market, St. Moritz UKRAINE Asthik, Kyiv USA Departamento, Los Angeles La Garçonne, New York City Viola Lovely, Wenham JAPAN 1LDK, Tokyo Barney's, Tokyo Beams, Tokyo Cliché, Tokyo HNW, Osaka Isetan, Tokyo Jackpot, Tokyo LLOOMM, Kyoto Maidens, Tokyo Strips Store, Tokyo The Gents Shop, Kumamoto Tomorrowland, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto United Arrows, Tokyo Best Packing Store, Osaka Kink, Nagoya Baby's All Right, Tokyo Mukta, Tokyo Mathematics, Atsugi Localers, Morioka Ships, Tokyo SOUTH KOREA Adekuver, Seoul Tom Greyhound, Seoul 10 Corso Como, Seoul Space Mue, Seoul

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